January 23rd - February 1st 2025

Program 2024

Lysprinsesså (The Princess of Light)

CP5 A5089 redusert

The princess of Light is an innovative, interactive, and sensual performance. Along the journey we meet Thea, who dances with Muzziballs that light up and play when they are danced with, and anyone who wants can have a try! Furthermore, we meet the Princess of Light and sound artist Dag Egil. When the sound of the princess's violin mixes with the sound of brass bowls from the Himalayas, the princess lights up so beautifully!

But suddenly the princess loses her light, and Thea and the children must find exciting and fun ways to help each other make the Light Princess shine again. Maybe if we all dance together along with Thea and the Muzziballs, we can make it happen?

In this performance, adventure meets innovation, magic meets play, cacophony meets meditation, and a 200-year-old violin meets coded AI instruments. The Prinsess of Light is a sensory and non-verbal performance suitable for children aged 3 and up.

Duration: approx. 45 minutes

On stage: Ingerine Dahl (concept, design, violin/light dress), Thea Kjeseth Dolmen (choreographer/dancer), Dag Egil Njaa (composer, live electronics) Costume: Agnes Treplin

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Thanks to the generous support of Sparebank1 Nord-Norge, Samfunnsløftet, children under the age of 16 can attend this performance free of charge. However, you still need tickets, and you are allowed three free tickets for every adult ticket you buy.

Buy Tickets


Saturday 27. January 2024

Kl. 14.00

Lillescenen, Tromsø Kulturhus

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