Frode Haltli's "Avant Folk II" is the sequel to "Avant Folk" released in 2018. Haltli has gathered a team of innovative and creative musicians, spanning different generations and genres. The ensemble has played a number of international festivals, and has gained a reputation as a vital live band. The music has elements of jazz, contemporary music and folk music. Haltli draws inspiration both from the Balkans, Islamic culture and his native Norway.
The new studio album is based on music that was originally commissioned for VossaJazz in 2019, and it has since been performed on many occasions both in Norway and abroad. "It's so beautiful it almost hurts," Johan Hauknes wrote in his review of the concert at Moldejazz in 2021. We are very excited to present Frode Haltli’s Avant Folk II at The Northern Lights Festival.
On stage: Frode Haltli (accordion), Erlend Apneseth (harding fiddle), Hans P. Kjorstad (fiddle), Rolf-Erik Nystrøm (saxophone), Juhani Silvola (guitar)
In collaboration with ILIOS
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